41 WEEKS is a part of our Artists in Residence Program. Every 4 months, we will work with another local artist to provide a space for their voices, art and activism. Mitcholos Touchie is the first artist we are working with to create this program.

August 25, 2017 at The Chicken House (2048 Pandora St) / Open Mic starts at 8:30pm.



Mitcholos Touchie

Łapḥsp̓at̓unakʔi Łim̓aqs†i
Yuułuʔiłʔa†ḥ x Nuučaan̓uɫ
Maa-nulth First Nations

mitcholos is an indigenous Spoken Word artist, videographer, and writer. He moved from the tiny village of Hitacu (FKA Indian Reservation so and so...) in Yuułuʔiłʔatḥ x Nuučaan̓uɫ territory, to Coast Salish Territory (specifically CKA Vancouver) in 2015.


Q is a multi-disciplinary artist living, working, and learning on unceded Coast Salish territory colonially known as Vancouver. Primarily a poet and amateur photographer, they can be found on VanSlam stages with work centred around crip justice, sex work, and radical vulnerability and acceptance.

Purchase Tickets

41 WEEKS Ticket

Poetry and open mic featuring Mitcholos and Q at The Chicken House (2048 Pandora St) on August 25, 2017. Doors open 8pm / Open mic begins 8:30 / features begin 9:30.

access statement

There will not be ASL or Vocal Eye interpretation for this event.

The Chicken House is not an accessible space to those with mobility-related disabilities, with 17 steps up to the front and 12 up to the back. In the front, there is a step in poor condition, so it is advised to go around back if that may be a concern. The backyard is accessible via wheelchair, although it is a bumpy ride. Similarly, the sidewalk in front of the house is in moderate disrepair, but navigable by electric and manual wheelchair. Mobility scooters may have some difficulty.

If wheelchair users are attending and are able to access the house without their chair, there is space inside the gate entering the backyard for chairs to be parked.

Inside, the washroom is on the main floor. It is not accessible by a wheelchair larger than a custom manual, and turns are tricky.

Seating is in plentiful supply, with many cushioned chairs and couches, and floor space is open as well.